
Mr Fulford: Mr Cale tells me that you spent the weekend in Brighton, I imagine you were involved some extent in the disturbances there?

Royal Pavillion, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1

Jimmy: Yeah I was there
Mr Fulford: Weren’t arrested or taken or anything like that were you?
Jimmy: No.

Aung San Suu Kyi Mural, Vine Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1

Mr. Fulford: I must say I find your attitude incomprehensible. I feel I must warn you Cooper that we can’t tolerate this kind of absentism amongst our junior staff. You got a good steady job here Cooper, plenty of young men would give their eye-teeth to be in your shoes.

Snnoper's Paradise, Kensington Gardens, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1

Jimmy: Oh yeah? Well find one then
Mr. Fulford: I beg your pardon?

James Brown Mural, Kensington Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1

Jimmy: You heard I said find one then. Yeah I’ll tell you what you can do with your eye-teeth and your job, you can take the mail and the frankin machine and all that other rubbish I have to go about with and you can stuff them right up your arse.

From Dave Humphries’ screenplay for Franc Roddam’s Quadrophenia (1979)

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