Art Deco in London

Vast stretches of the city are already uninhabited, crumbling. The central temples, yes, are still in use — the temples for sports, conventions and ritualistic music concerts — but for how much longer?

Raymond Hood and Gordon Jeeves' Ideal House, National Radiator Building, Great Marlborough Street, Westminster, W1F

Will the beautiful deco buildings erected as working shrines by what were once the largest companies in the world soon be abandoned?

Charles Holden's 55 Broadway, St James's Park, Westminster, SW1H

They’re already surrounded by a no man’s wasteland; it seems only a matter of time.

Walthamstow Stadium, Chingford Road, Walthamstow, Waltham Forest, E4

And then how long before people wander into that zone and ask themselves, “Who built this incredible building?”

George Coles' Troxy, Commercial Road, Stepney, Tower Hamlets, E1

From David Byrne’s Journal (2006)

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